🌎The Art and Science of Landscape Conservation Design Using Models – Insights from Dr. Ronald J. McCormick


Hello…and welcome to…Issue #013!


Reading Time: <2 mins.

TL;DR: We published our podcast's fifth episode, Tackling Complex Systems: Landscape Conservation Through Participatory Design Using Models, with Dr. Ronald J. McCormick. Dr. McCormick, a field naturalist and systems ecologist, shares insights on complex systems theory, including its application in landscape conservation design (LCD). The discussion provides practical advice for stakeholders interested in LCD—highlighting conceptual modeling as a valuable step and stressing the importance of boundaries within any model used for decision-making processes. The episode serves as a reminder that successful landscape conservation hinges not only on scientific rigor but also on integrating holistic perspectives—including economic realities and cultural values—to resonate with diverse stakeholder groups involved in LCD truly. Tune into this enlightening conversation packed with expert insights perfect for anyone passionate about sustaining nature through thoughtful planning and collective action!


Dr. Ronald J. McCormick, Ecologist, Bureau of Land Management


It’s a very Gordian Knot type of system that we have brought ourselves to, and unraveling it will be clumsy. We’ll make mistakes, but if we don’t try, we know what will happen.

Welcome to our corner of the world!

We’re glad you’re here!


In the last issue of Designing Nature's Half: The Blog, I shared our fourth episode on Designing Nature’s Half: The Landscape Conservation Podcast. In this issue, I share our fifth episode, Tackling Complex Systems: Landscape Conservation Through Participatory Design Using Models. You can find it anywhere you get your podcasts or from my author's website via the button below.


🌎The Art and Science of Landscape Conservation Design Using Models – Insights from Dr. Ronald J. McCormick

In the latest episode of Mind Matter Media's podcast, Designing Nature's Half: The Landscape Conservation Podcast, hosts Rob Campellone and Tom Miewald delve into the intricate world of landscape conservation with guest Dr. Ronald J. McCormick. As an ecologist at the Bureau of Land Management, Dr. McCormick brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, discussing how we can use complex systems theory and landscape conservation design to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, and create sustainable social-ecological systems (i.e., landscapes).

Understanding Ecological and Social Systems

Dr. McCormick emphasizes that successful landscape conservation hinges on our understanding of ecological, as well as social, systems—a concept that may seem daunting but is crucial for creating effective strategies to challenge the triple planetary crisis: pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss; further the practice of landscape conservation, and advance adaptation and the ultimate goal of sustainability.

The Role of Conceptual Models

Conceptual models are essential for multi-jurisdictional stakeholders conducting landscape conservation design because they help visualize complex interactions within systems and predict outcomes based on specific interventions.

However, models have limitations: they cannot capture every detail accurately due to their inherent simplifications. This means that while models are helpful starting points for stakeholder discussion, decisions should never be solely based on model predictions without considering real-world contexts.

Indigenous Knowledge & Human Influence

A theme raised during the conversation was acknowledging and incorporating indigenous knowledge as invaluable in landscape conservation efforts—after all, who better understands a land than those whose ancestors have stewarded it for generations?

Furthermore, recognizing human influence—not just as a negative impact but also as a potential positive force—is critical in designing resilient landscapes capable of adapting alongside societal changes rather than being overrun by them.

Practical Applications & Challenges Ahead

The podcast serves as an enlightening discourse on theoretical aspects and touches upon practical applications such as ecoregional planning, where large-scale environmental features dictate conservation priorities across multiple jurisdictions or ownership boundaries.

Dr. McCormick recommends exploring collaborative and multi-jurisdictional initiatives instead of relying solely on traditional governmental institutions. Such efforts often offer innovative solutions specifically customized to local circumstances while still aligning with broader national goals, such as conserving half of the country by 2050, as suggested in Robert Campellone in his soon-to-be-released book, which was discussed during the show.

Ultimately, what stands out most from this engaging dialogue is the need for multi-stakeholder collaboration-informed science if we wish to manage sustainably vast landscapes and integrate both socio-economic considerations, ensuring longevity and success of any initiative undertaken under the banner of landscape conservation design.

Thanks for a great discussion, Ron!

Your thoughts? Do you think like a system ecologist? #systemsecology #conceptualmodels #ecologicalmodeling #landscapes #LCD



An Invitation

If you think you have something to offer to the conversation and would like to be a guest on our pod, drop me a note at: info@lcdinstitute.org and put "Guest" in the subject line.

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We’ll keep you posted on how our projects are coming along via future issues of Designing Nature's Half: The Blog.

Until next time,

Robert Campellone

Author. Conservation Catalyst. Camper Van Voyager. 🌎


🌎The Intersection of Ecology and Technology in Landscape Conservation Design, with Pat Comer


🌎The Fiery Balance: Embracing Flames for a Resilient Future, with Steve Markason